The Syrinx Project is a series of commissions for solo flute that expose the ability of the arts to interact with the sociopolitical atmosphere in which art is created. Each new commission centers on a different female from mythology and tells her story through the lens of contemporary feminism. The project will continue to gather commissions until it is no longer physically possible for the project to be performed from Part I through to the end.
Part I- Syrinx Today features music from Syrinx by Claude Debussy, the iconic flute solo that inspired this project. The music is combined with Zoe’s own choreography and text in order to better relay the story of Syrinx and Pan.
Syrinx is a beautiful, chaste nymph and Pan, the god of rustic music and shepherds, is very much taken with her. He pursues her with the hope of taking away her chastity. Syrinx runs to the edge of a river and, realizing she can run no further, turns to the gods to beg for rescue. The gods turn her into the reeds by the river, which Pan then plucks up and fashions into a flute (a reed pipe, or pan flute).
Syrinx Today attempts to bring light to the failed success of this rescue. Syrinx’s supposed salvation comes in the form of turning her into an object, which then becomes Pan’s possession anyways.
Part II- Caeneus features music by Theo Chandler and text by Zoe Sorrell. It tells the story of Caeneus.
Caeneus was raped by Neptune and, in recompense for this, was promised the granting of one wish by the gods. She wished to never be vulnerable or taken advantage of again. The gods accomplish this by turning her into a man.