"Flying Fish" is a musical comedy for puppets, co-written by Darlene Fedele Thompson and Charles Sperry. It is being produced by Puppets in Performance, who have twice won the award for Best Children's Show at the Pittsburgh Fringe Festival the past two years. Thompson and Sperry are both members of the Musical Artists of Pittsburgh, through which they met and began this collaboration. Sperry wrote the original songs and conceived the story, while Thompson revised the script and created 13 brand-new puppets for the show, including Casper the Crab, Sori the Flying Fish, Lorry the Pelican (who narrates the story), two wise-cracking seagulls, and more. With its humor, music, puppetry, and themes of friendship and loyalty, the show is sure to delight children and adults alike.
Lap children three and under are free. However, if we are sold out that means they must be on your lap for the duration of the show.
Children 12 and under can get button tickets as part of their parent's button, if the attending ticketed parent can show a button.