Binge on the Fringe Passes for 2019

By Pittsburgh Fringe 2019 (other events)

Thu, Apr 4 2019 3:00 PM EDT Sun, Apr 7 2019 11:30 PM EDT

Be a REAL fringer by getting an all day or weekend pass! The pass will allow you to go to as many shows as you can.  We will have over 40 different ticketed shows to choose from, and approximately 100 different performance times of those shows.  How many can you go to?  (Please be aware that as we are spread among more venues this year, there are more shows at the same time than in the past.  Check the schedules before deciding to buy a pass.)  We only sell a limit number of each pass at each festival.  

Curate your own festival, be your own artistic director, and go see shows!


(Fringe is like the Netflix of theatre.)

During the festival just go to Fringe Central to pick up your passes before your first show.  You will need a photo ID to pick up your pass, and could be asked to show your pass and ID at each event.  

Passes are non-transferable. 

For each show, we will reserve 10% of the tickets just for you and other pass holders who show up at least 15 minutes prior to the show.  (For sold out shows, we will release the tickets to single ticket purchasers 10 minutes prior to the show.)  But feel free to show up last minute for non-sold out shows and get right in!  (But remember most shows have no late admission, pass or no.)

Picture shown on left is: “Love & Language Barriers,” Acrylic on Found Wood, by David C. Mueller

Below are a few pictures from some of the many shows you can see!  And refer to our website to read more about each individual show you can attend!  


 You will need a photo ID to pick up your pass, and could be asked to show your pass and ID at each event.  Passes are non-transferable.  

Refer to the brochure or website to find ratings for each particular show, as well as, other restrictions.

No refunds. 

No late seating.

Permission to Use Likeness/Name: By purchasing a ticket or using the ticket buyer agrees, without compensation, patron’s likeness and/or name to appear, and to otherwise be used, in material, regardless of media form, promoting the Pittsburgh Fringe,and/or its events and activities, including those of its representatives and licensees.